What Is PRVircon?

PRVircon is a GameMaker Studio 2 extension that enables you to add virtual joysticks and buttons to your GameMaker games with ease. Add as many virtual joysticks and buttons as you need. Because PRVircon completely supports multi-touch, your player(s) will be able to interact with all virtual elements simultaneously up to the maximum number of touches supports by your device.

The included UI components are modular, allowing you to mix and match multiple button and joystick styles and colors to create your own unique Vircon UI. Easily change a UI component's size, rotation, color blend and label offsets for further UI customization. You can also easily incorporate your own UI sprites instead.

Joysticks can be restricted to either the horizontal or vertical axes for games that require only up and down or left and right inputs. You can also disable a joysticks's snap-to-center feature for joysticks that need to stay in place after the player lets go of them, useful for throttle-style sticks. Invert the Y-axis return values so that up is down and down is up, great for flight sims.

Button UI elements can work like traditional push in and release style buttons, or as push-in and push-out style toggle buttons, useful for buttons like always-on turbo. Poll joystick and button states at any time or assign your own scripts to be executed when a button is pushed and released.

Easily hide or show the Vircon UI, enable or disable user interaction and set the UI alpha level with ease. In addition, PRVircon manages it’s own settable GUI size, which can be different from your game’s GUI size.

If you need to add virtual controls to your GameMaker games, we are sure you will love this easy to use extension! It works in both VM and YYC.