Documentation Topics


Adds a new virtual button to the PRVircon UI.


PRVirconBtnAdd(name, sprite, spriteSel, hAlign, vAlign, xOffsetPos, yOffsetPos, scale, scaleSel, rotation)



The name to assign to the new button. Useful for tracking it in the GMS debugger and can be used to lookup the button's ID.


The sprite image to use for the button.


The sprite image to use for the button when it is pressed. Set to noone to use the same sprite given in sprite.


Set to PRVirconHAlignLeft, PRVirconHAlignCenter or PRVirconHAlignRight. Determines if the button's X offset should be relative to the left, center or right side of the GUI display.


Set to PRVirconVAlignTop, PRVirconVAlignMiddle or PRVirconVAlignBottom. Determines if the button's Y offset should be relative to the top, middle or bottom of the GUI display.


The x position of the button, relative to either the left, center or right of the GUI display, depending on the value given in hAlign.


The y position of the button, relative to either the top, middle or bottom of the GUI display, depending on the value given in vAlign.


How much to scale the button's sprite, with 1 being no scaling. Larger values will increase the size of the sprite while values lower than 1 will decrease the size.


How much to scale the button's sprite when it is pressed, with 1 being no scaling. Larger values will increase the size of the sprite while values lower than 1 will decrease the size. Set to a smaller scale value than scale to make the button appear to animate when it's pressed.


The angle at which to rotate the button sprite in degrees.

Return Value

The new virtual button's ID.